I just wanted everyone to know that I am now a publisher on Yummly.
I’ve only learned about yummly recently but I quickly realized what a great site it is to organize all the recipes I find all over the web into one convenient place. You do need an account but it’s easy to set up and then you can ‘yum’ any recipe you see right to your recipe box. So much easier than the hundreds of individual bookmarks I have now! And certainly easier than printing out every recipe. If you look at the bottom of my posts you’ll see the yum button along with all the other share buttons so you can add my recipes easily to your account.
For sites without a yum button, they also have little bookmarklet which I found quite useful and added to the top of my browser. Click it and it’ll find the recipe on the page and save it to your recipe box while giving the owner of the blog (like me!) another ‘yum’ to their count. And they keep track of your preferences so you can search the site and never see recipes with ingredients you don’t or won’t eat.
Check out my publisher’s page :
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